Create space within your organization to practice balance.

Build a bespoke program for your organization that combines mindfulness and the Alexander Technique.

Mindfulness training has been proven to reduce healthcare costs, minimize time lost to illness, and improve teamwork and communication.

Research by the World Health Organization shows that mindfulness can significantly reduce stress-related symptoms and is a skill that can be developed.

incorporating mindfulness into the workplace can be a powerful tool But it should not be used to paper over broader corporate culture issues. it's crucial that wellness initiatives are integrated thoughtfully and working with Balance Lab allows you to create a beneficial program addressing holistic organizational goals.

Book a 15 Minute exploratory call with Patrick to explore how balance lab can benefit your organization

Reach out for Bespoke practices

Patrick and Balance Lab can work with you to join an all-staff or create a lunch-and-learn that is tailored to your needs as an organization tending to your employee wellness programs.

Balance @ Work

A 4-week turnkey program that Patrick can facilitate offering the basics in both Alexander Technique and Mindfulness. Ideally scheduled for 30-minutes over four consecutive weeks.