The Anti-Stressful Holiday Holiday Club
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Are you hoping to create space for yourself during the holidays? It can be a challenge, right? Time gets short, family dynamics, politics, traditions and the uncomfortableness of unmet expectations can make for a less than joyful experience.
Join the club!
Balance Lab is creating a 3-week class that makes space for you to explore how to experience the holidays with your own autonomy intact. Sharing Alexander Technique and Mindfulness tools that are meant to offer you ways of gaining perspective on heading into the holidays without the baggage of the past; intentionally creating space for you to prepare to embrace the full range of what emotions arise in a safe and perhaps playful environment. You will be ready to have a Happy New Year!
This online offering will meet from 7-8:30pm ET on the first three Tuesdays in December. The $75 club membership fee allows you to access not only the live classes but also the resource page where you will be able to review the audio recordings of the classes themselves as well as stream or download the optional daily practice. The recordings will be available through Mid-January 2024.
If you have any questions you can book a free 15-minute consult with Patrick who will be leading the class.
Tuesday December 5, 12, & 19 from 7-8:30pm Eastern on Zoom.
Audio recordings and additional material shared through the Resource Page for review and asynchronous participation.
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